Meredith Mack

Sustainable & maintainable workouts

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Meet Meredith Mack
Exploring and learning about movement, exercise, health, and nutrition is a lifelong process for me. In working through several of my own personal health and fitness goals, I became interested in helping others achieve their goals. I graduated from New York University with a degree in Nutrition and Dietetics. Shortly after graduating I became a personal trainer. In 2011, I completed two advanced certifications, The Resistance Training Specialist Mastery program and the Muscle Activation Techniques Internship. These programs taught me so much about the human body, exercise, exercise tools, the overall exercise experience, and how to approach exercise and nutrition in a more objective way. My goal now is to offer a different point of view as well as suggestions and ways of approaching working out and healthy eating that are sustainable, maintainable, and enhance the quality of your life.